Monet at Argenteuil
Category: Books,Arts & Photography,History & Criticism
Monet at Argenteuil Details
An analysis of the paintings produced by Claude Monet while living in Argenteuil from 1871 to 1878 examines the influence of the French town on his art
just a quick corrective to the review by Nantaya Yanumet: there have indeed been books with better reproductions since the publication of this book in 1982. However, the text is still authoritative, and indispensable to any study of Monet in this period. It is astute and jargon-free, and can be fairly shelved with anything by John House, Robert L. Herbert, et al. No, I didn't reread it cover to cover, but I dipped into it again after seeing the negative review, and confirmed my initial opinion that this is a most valuable study. Yale reprinted the paperback repeatedly to satisfy demand; copies of both hardcover and paperback are inexpensive on Amazon.